Color Jamz "Bubble Head Pink" after about a little more than 2 weeks (washing with cold water, color safe shampoo and 3-4 days between washing.)
So its been about a month since I started the pprocess of having pink hair. I had this idea in my ead that it would be like the samples, dark and pretty.
A month later and I have learned that NOTHING is ever like the sample, its about trial and error, and a good deep conditioner is a must.
After the first batch of dye I realized that I was probably going to have to mix my own color to avoid having a friend buy me professional color.
I have tried Manic Panic (a long time ago and I remember not liking it. It dried out my hair really bad and didn't hold for crap.), Ion Brilliance (way to bright, way to neon, didn't hold at all, faded to a gross color) and Color Jamz (was still too bright but not as neon, held about 2 weeks which is normal and faded to a prettyish shade.) In trying to keep with a low budget I haven't tried the Special Effects or the Pravana.
So With that being said:
It was time to do my roots and I decided that maybe another how too was in order.
I've never done my roots before, normally when coloring my hair I would just put fresh color on everything. Being pink is totally new to me.
I live in an area unfortunately that has VERY hard water (water with a high iron count) so it tends to turn everything a funny color (yes my whites have to be washed with bleach or they come out slightly yellow).
The first time I bleached it came out VERY golden, and some spots were pretty dark gold. When coloring pink over that, most of it had a brassy color and it was weird.
There really isn't a lot of information on how to do roots, if I ever figure out a way to do them I'll let you know!
I used all the same products as before, same bleach and developer.
My hair is shorter in the back tan it is in the front, so the front went up in its own clip. Then the back half into three sections.
I used my brush to apply a heavy lair of bleach to the roots.
(The first time I bleached I used my bleach sparingly and ended up with dark spots, I didnt make that mistake twice.)
I did find though that in my haste, and uneducatedness I was getting bleach REALLY far into my pink. I had extra bleach so I gave up and just bleached all my hair.
I took this when I was pretty much done processing. I got a little exciting thinking I'd rock the blonde roots with bubble gum pink hair! Booooy was I wrong!
Here we are after processing for a total of about 15 minutes AFTER it was applied to the entire head.
I think the second round of bleaching the entire head really helped take out the brassy color from the first time I bleached. It really seemed like it helped to get everything that was pink one color. I got everything covered pretty well and only ended up with some spots in the front right by my roots, but c'mon with pink hair who's going to notice a few spots?! Leaving my roots blonde was actually something I considered until I dried it...
I was a little worried of the spots that seemed to come out blonde besides my roots. I feared ending up with neon color again. If you look in the first picture you can see where the brassy color from before is pretty much gone. I haven't decided if I will bleach once a month or next time try to get just my roots.
For the color this time I used the same brand but I mixed two colors together in the hopes I would get a dark pink that wasnt so shockingly bright!
I mixed the bubble head pink and candy apple red. There really isn't a solid recipe for this (yet!) but I used my mixing bowl and used about 4-5 oz of the pink and about 2 oz of the candy apple. Once it was mixed I pourd the mixed color into an empty color jamz bottle I saved (each bottle is 4.2 oz and I filled one bottle and had a little left over in a bowl).
As you can see it went one VERY bright so of course now I was flipping shit. This was the last thing I wanted but it was too late to go back now!! I let it sit in my hair for about an hour and a half, normally I would've left it on for longer but by this point it was so late and I feared falling asleep!
The final product?!
Pure Awesome!
The final color is still not as dark as I would like, however that awful wig neon pink is finally gone and it has a nice red to it. So in two weeks when its time for a touch up I think I am going to switch the recipe, using 4-5 oz of red and 2 oz of pink.