Sunday, September 2, 2012

This voice inside me

I've always known that writing would be my creative outlet and that my voice, however small it may be, needed to be heard; that I had something to say.  I'm still not very sure what it is exactly that I need to say but some where along the way I'll figure it out.

I lost my best friend today. I lost the person that I thought he was, the person I'd grown to love and depend on when I needed someone to be my rock when I wasn't strong enough to be.  It's been a long time coming but I had always hoped it was just me being a girl, over reacting.  Last year  I grew very close to him, helping him through one of the most difficult times of his life, yet recently when I needed him he wasn't there for me.  Yes, were both growing up.  Yes, we both work full time jobs and have our own lives but I never imagined that I would be left with this ache, this void.

He grew up with money and maybe that's the first problem with our friendship; I never had money.  Some how though we always made it work; never one without the other.  In light of the upcoming election I am sad to say that our friendship couldn't withhold any more pressure.  Our political beliefs are very different and we will be voting very differently.  It's sad that this is the reason for the loss of friendship; in his eyes at least.

I have always said that your beliefs and opinions are your own, just as mine are mine.  I would never try to change those.  I can discuss these things with you, without using name calling or belittling you for your choice.  Is it so much to ask for the same respect in return?

Today he posted on facebook who he was supporting in this upcoming election; He will be supporting Mitt Romney and  I will proudly be voting for Obama.  This is also my first year voting.  Now, I'm not exactly smart when it comes to politics...half the time I don't understand what they are talking about.  But there is enough about Mitt Romney that I understand that makes me afraid of the day he may actually be in office.  Things like...cutting funding to Planned Parenthood where I go for my birth control and my monthly visits.  It wouldn't be such a big deal if the birth control didn't help control my PCOS or help regulate the hormones in my body caused by PCOS.  It would also be different if I could afford the health insurance to go somewhere else.  Romney wants to cut funding to PBS...I'm sorry but PBS is one of the last good channels for children these days.  Then you have Tod Akin from the Republican party who believes a woman wouldn't become pregnant if she was a victim of "legitimate rape" and that homosexuality has been proved to be cured by drinking a woman's breast milk.  Why would I vote for anyone other than Obama with scary things like that?

With that being said, he proceeded to voice is opinion but when met with questions about it he "didn't have the time to discuss it."  This was also how he felt when the Chick Fil A bandwagon went around; he was "tired of hearing about it."  If you're going to voice your opinion on a public forum...have the guts to stand up for it.  I was very sad to see that everything he said made him look like a hypocrite.  For the last few months hes done nothing but belittle me for my thoughts, telling me that jumping on the bandwagon was a waste of time, stupid, and would achieve nothing...yet today he says he is all for the equal rights movement and that he  "donates hundreds of dollars a year to the LGBT"...yet my actions to fight for equal rights are stupid and beneath him.  When brought to his attention, he ran with his tail between his legs, and instead of defending himself he said to me "I am no longer going to argue with you about it."

I learned something today...not everyone is going to see the world the way I do.  Not everyone is going to be as vocal about their beliefs as I am.  The difference from me and everyone else?  I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.  I am not afraid to be who I am and I am not afraid to make my voice heard.

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